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Carrier i-Vu® Provisioned
Cloud-BAS Gateways

A Seamless, Integrated Solution

What if ALL Your Carrier i-Vu® enabled HVAC Locations Could be Managed from
a Single "Nationwide" i-Vu® Pro User Interface?

If your business is still using outdated "on-site" computers & software, i-Vu® System Touch, or Equipment Touch user interface, you risk security breaches, lost data, expensive updates & replacements of monitoring hardware, lost energy-saving opportunities, and unsatisfactory occupant comfort levels that could have easily be avoided.

When applying the low-cost
Cloud-BAS (model "C") subscription service provisioned with Carrier i-Vu® your solution becomes a fully functional, native i-Vu building automation "ecosystem" with hundreds of easy-to-install "Plug-and-Control" operational technologies (OT) advantages.

Cloud-BAS FOT-C gateways come complete with an i-Vu XT-RB router for the model FOT-C, i-Vu only provisioned gateway, or an i-Vu XT-LB router for the FOT-C-TPI, Carrier-TPI gateway and FOT-C-IoT-W gateway models. This allows you to monitor, control, and manage all of your i-Vu enabled HVAC systems more effectively through a unified, user-friendly Nationwide one-pain-of-glass  i-Vu Pro user interface. (All above gateway models connect to the same OT cloud.)

Alarm notifications, status reports, event detection, and configurable text/email alerts are also part of this robust ecosystem solution.

Manage from One to Thousands of individual
Carrier i-Vu enabled sites from the same user log-in.

Simple & Secure "Plug-and-Control" Technology

FacilityOT® offers three models of the Carrier i-Vu provisioned Cloud-BAS gateway that arrive fully pre-configured to match your site’s specifications.

You will be ready to "plug-and-control" your Carrier i-Vu (BACnet) enabled HVAC systems and optional IoT devices right out of the box with secure dashboard access from a mobile device, desktop PC, or tablet anywhere in the world. (Either gateway model may report to the same cloud).

Model FOT-C  Carrier i-Vu® Provisioned cloud-gateway & software

Model FOT-C 
(Carrier i-Vu® Provisioned cloud-gateway & software)

The model FOT-C Carrier i-Vu provisioned BACnet (BTL) Cloud-BAS Gateway is exclusively designed for "plug-and-control" of any new or existing commercial Carrier i-Vu enabled HVAC systems that do not require TPI or IoT.


Control, monitoring, and reporting include: Carrier's VVT zoning, VAV systems, WSHPs, Fan Coils, CV and VAV RTUs, along with Carrier’s commercial HVAC split systems. (See our Cloud-BAS website list.)

Model FOT-C-IoT
(Carrier i-Vu® / Internet of Things)

The  model FOT-C-IoT i-Vu provisioned / Internet of Things "plug-and-control" native BACnet Cloud-BAS Gateway is designed to host facilities with a combination of Carrier i-Vu enabled HVAC systems and other HVAC equipment brands, along with several brands of FacilityOT® approved IoT devices and our entire line of 500+ foot range wireless sensors.

Model FOT-C-IoT Carrier i-Vu® / Internet of Things
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Nationwide Representative:
Facility Automation Systems, LLC

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